Monday, April 24, 2006


Well another gap in the blog. This time i've been working hard and heading off to Moscow for a conference. Needless to say far too much vodka has been consumed and then i went to Moscow.

As for the research side of things - well i've ben attending regular steering group meeting sfor the kooth project. I think last time i was surprised to hear that it is essentially up and running. There now seems a bit more urgency to get on with my project - after all the funding for the whole project runs out in 2 years time.

Moscow - i'd like to put up a piccy but haven't got the camera nearby to USb it into the ol' pc - therefore you'll just have to do a google search for the kremlin etc and look at pics there. Unsurprisignly it looked just like the piccys - in fact the sun even shined. As the trip was a university trip to visit the Moscow school we attended and presented at a conference over there. This was quite a strange experience - particualy presenting with an interpreter. However it was also pretty fun. Vegetarian food consisted of mainly potatos and mushrooms with a slight wiff of meat fat but i'm sure that that helped soak up the alcohol consumed. There should be another blog somewhere devoted to this trip but i haven't got to putting it up yet.

CPR - well, the editing of the journal is slowly happening. Today is the last date for people to send in redrafted versions of their articles - i hope that they arrive :). Mine are now done. Although reading the peer review comments was pretty harsh (I'm sure that part of being a researcher is developing a thick skin) I got on and made some changes.

PhD - this is the week of my Panel presentation (basically an end of year report). Reassuringly I could have conducting a very unethical piece of work for the last year without any insurance, but hey ho. Fortunately i'm pretty confident abou the process and my own work - however, we'll see.....maybe i will check in later on in the week to tell you i've been asked to stop my work :)

fun fun fun - take care